Thursday 24 November 2011

Tesco about to take reality and retail to a new level!

The most exciting piece of retail news I read this week was that Tesco are planning to test pilot Augmented reality in one of their stores in a bid to make shopping more interactive and to attract customers. This cutting edge technology will make shopping a whole new experience.


Wednesday 23 November 2011

Footfall in Freefall

A recent survey by the British Retailers Consortium (BRC) has shown that Footfall( the term for the measurement of customers entering and leaving a premises) has falling by allmost 2.5% in the last 3 months. This has greatly concerned retailers who blame the adverse weather conditions and the growth of online shopping as the main reason for the decrease. Retailers all over the U.K. are praying for a good Christmas to boost sales and trade.


Following the success of E-Commerce, F-Commerce is on the Rise!

There has been a huge increase in the use of F-Commerce as a means to promote awareness and sales of goods and services online by use of Facebook. In a recent study 12% of social media users have said they have bought something after seeing it on Facebook. This shows an increase of 8.8% in F-Commerce in the last quarter. The potential for F-Commerce arose after 25% of online shoppers stated they visit Facebook at least once a day. The growth of social networking along with the increasing use of online shopping conveys the massive potential in marketing online through social media.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Comet group sold for £2!

In a strange story that I read today, the Comet group- one of Britains largest electrical goods companies has been sold for the princely sum of 2 pounds by its owners Kesa Electrical. The purchasers are a consortium of retail companies who operate under advisement of OpCapita- an expert in the field of saving struggling companies. Comet had recorded huge losses of over 22 million pounds in the first 6 months of the year. The news bears similarity to Bill Cullen who bought the Renault Franchise group in Ireland in 1986 for a pound. Lets hope Comet's new owners have the same success as Bill Cullen and save the 10,000 employees.


Channel Island Vat loophole set to close

One of the bizarrest stories that I came across this week was a new law by the British government that forces goods sent from the Channel Islands to pay full V.A.T. rather than the reduced level they were previously paying thanks to a loophole in the law that stated that low value goods were exempt from tax- a throwback to the days when lowly island merchants needed support in maintaining business. However in recent years online shopping giants had set up bases on these islands to sell their goods and were making a tidy profit. The news has been welcomed by many retailers and the government who will claim much needed tax revenue , the news has not been welcomed by the islanders and the online shopping companies.


Bye Bye to Best Buy

It was a sad day in the U.K. as Carphone Warehouse to announce the closure of all of its Best Buy stores. Best Buy was a company that sold electrical goods and was a joint venture between Best Buy company in America and the Carphone Warehouse. 1100 staff are set to lose their jobs allthough Carphone Warehouse are hopeful of finding them work in other areas of their company. Carphone Warehouse said strong competition was the primary reason for closure. Another retail giant gone, and even more distraught employees joining the ever increasing dole queue.

Best Buy UK stores to close


Sunday 6 November 2011

Amazon predicts December 5th as busiest day of the year!

Amazon, the online shopping giant have precicted Monday the 5th of December as their busiest trading day as consumers prepare to order their christmas gifts. Amazon believe that the most ordered items will be the Kindle, Steve Job's autobiography along with Call of Duty MW3, on the same day last year over 2.6 million items were ordered. This is a clear sign of the growth potential of online shopping.


Wednesday 2 November 2011

Cash is King once again

Recent studies have shown that nothing beats hard cold cash as the best method of purchasing! Ukash is the first online retailer to operate on a cash e-commerce basis, that is their customers use cash to buy vouchers which each have their own unique code which can be used online as cash, their compund sales have been registed at 85% compared to regular commerce who register at  mere 13%. Ukash discovered the potential in cash e-commerce after discovering that 50% of consumers do not shop online with credit cards due to fear of fraud.

I think this is a significant article as it shows just how a company can overcome their competitors by doing their research and discovering a niche in the market.


Motor Industry feeling the strain!

Irelands car industry is allready suffering from the downturn in the economy, however the decision by the government to scrap the scrapage scheme (excuse the joke) has led to a huge decrease in new car sales. The motor Industry giants are proposing a new scheme to boost car sales throughout the year. Car sales generally enjoy their peak from january to March. The car giants are proposing that cars bought from July onwards should be given an extra character on the registration plate to boost interest and sales. I doubt this preposterous method will work and maybe a decrease in price would work better.